Thomas Edison Life study

       The full name of Edison is Thomas Alva Edison. 
Edison born in February 11,1847,in Milan, Ohio, United state.
Thomas Edison was died October 18,1931 in West Orange, New Jersey, United State. 

Thomas Edison school life :
One a day Edison's teacher was teaching in the class, she said "A thing can not fly unless it has wings. Edison stood up and said" Madam, a kite has no wings, yet it flies. So the teacher thought that he is stupid and naughty. 

           Edison was fond of books reading. His father gave him twenty five cents for every book he read to encourage his reading habit, with this pocket money he bought more books to read. 

       Once in a poultry farm Edison saw a hen sitting on its eggs. When he asked his mother about it, she answered" the hen is hatching it's eggs ". So Edison collected a dozen of eggs and sat on them. After some time when he got up, he did not find any chickens. He had smashed all the eggs and spoilt his shorts. For this experiment he was punished by his mother. 

When he needed money for buying books and carry on his experiments he joined the railways. But after some months he was dismissed from his job because fire broke out in the railway carriage due to his carelessness. 

       Edison was an American. He was a brilliant scientist of this age. He is known for many useful inventions. But he is famous for the invention of electric bulb after nearly 1200 experiments. 
      Edison promised to the people of America that he would give them electric light in two years, and he kept his promises by inventing electric bulb and lighting his laboratory on new year's day 1880, and mad the world bright

and happy by inventing gramophone and electric light. 

    Dear readers we should learn from Edison that the success comes after hard work. If you want to succeed you should to do hard work. And if you failed some times in your goal you don't away from your goal and don't think that it is 
not possible but you should remember that Edison was become success after 1200 experiments. 


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